New Gallery of signs in the ground
Click "Read More" and scroll down to see how the signs look with their plants. Enjoy!

Viola odorata
A new sign outside the Food, Nutrition and Health building at UBC :)

Pacific Bleeding Heart
This bleeding heart is writing the saddest lines of poetry - but still she is able to die and be reborn to flower twice a year.
Capability Brown
Lancelot Brown, better known as 'Capability Brown' (he won in the names category) was famous landscape architect in18th Century England....

Seeing Thou instead of It
"The Indians addressed life as a “thou,” I mean, trees and stones, everything else. You can address anything as a “thou”, and you can...

Plant Intelligence
Check out this BBC article about plant intelligence. It cites the work of many of the thinkers referenced in the signs, including Dr....

Mother Trees
This sign is based on the work of Forest and Conservation Science Professor Suzanne Simard at UBC. Here she is speaking on mother trees...

The plant signs have now been installed on the UBC Campus. I'll be posting some pictures over the coming days. Feel free to send me any...